A minor release improving FPL Reports and adding Fluency Platform integrations. Additionally, resource sync updates now provides real-time feedback.
Changes include:
Fluency Interface
- Version 6.43.193
- Improved profile page and setup review page
- New behavior event test model dialog
- New dashboard page with left pane design
- Dashboard page uses left pane for arguments and buttons
- Improved icon in platform configuration page
- Streamlined platform left panel behavior
- Bugfix colors of connection lines in platform configuration page
- Disabled left panel connections editing
- Platform components are now sorted alphabetically
- FPL Editor now shows the time taken for report to complete
Fluency Programming Language (FPL)
- Added custom logo support for report PDF export
- Report pie chart panels support boolean values
- Bugfixes / Improvements
Fluency Platform
- New Webhook (alerts) datasink
- New Elasticsearch datasink
- Note: plugins currently only support the following:
- Office365, Suite, Duo, Falcon, AzureEventHubs, Proofpoint and Salesforce
- New real-time API for resource sync update